Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Wanted: Sunshine

It has been raining for three straight days. The kind of rain that makes you want to lie in your bed, put on sweatpants, and just watch a movie. But, we have tried to make the best of it. Before I tell about the day, happy birthday to one of my best friends, Michelle J Hope you have a wonderful day celebrating. Can’t wait to see you!

Today was interesting… I’ve usually just kind of been an extra pair of hands (two teachers, 17 kids, and me… there’s not much I can do) but today they had me doing so much. I felt like they somehow read my blog, which really freaked me out. A good freak out though. The kids were still exhausting… I’m pretty sure it is a mixture of spring, end of the year, and someone new (me) being in the classroom. I went with the kids to music today and the teachers took the opportunity to plan. I never know if I am the one to discipline and tell the kids what to do when they go to specials… they’re in another teacher’s room and partly another teacher’s responsibility. I don’t let them jump off the walls, but they are 4 years old, they’re not going to be silent for 30 minutes. The music teacher got so angry and made me go get the teacher. She asked if they were horrible and I answered honestly (they seriously weren’ t that bad.. maybe two of them… but to punish allllllll of the boys is ridiculous.) I take the girls and one boy back to the classroom and the rest of the boys get in big, big trouble. Other than that, it was a pretty good day.

My teacher told me it rarely rains in Rome. Every two or three months it will rain like this and then they won’t see it for quite some time. One boy came in the classroom crying because he stepped in a puddle (clearly they don’t get rain often… aren’t little kids supposed to love running in puddles??) Back during the winter, they had a huge snow storm and were off school for 3 days… she said that hasn’t happened since 1985. Rome doesn’t have snow plows and they no one was allowed to drive cars for 5 days (the snow storm was over a weekend so they had off Friday, Monday, and Tuesday.) Today, near the end of the day, it thundered so incredibly loud. Almost all of the sausages jumped and said some word in Italian and the teachers said “yes, but it is called thunder in English.”

We did some neat activities today. Sticking with the whole pirate theme, we made mini boats. Using a walnut shell, we broke it in half and then lit a candle and dripped the wax in the walnut shell. The kids went on a scavenger hunt and found so many small sticks outside… they put a small stick in the wax and then made a sail. Having the kids near the lighter made me nervous, but no one was caught on fire. Another neat activity we had the kids do was they were given 10 cubes and were told to make whatever they could with them. Some of them were so creative. I really liked that activity.

I spoke with one of my teachers (the British one) at the end of the day. She was asking how this school is different from my mom’s preschool. They’re so different, but I couldn’t really explain how. This school is much more focused on creating an individual, while back in the states it’s about learning the same things, the same way. The preschool my mom is at now is probably closer (academically wise) to this school.. but they are still very different. I’m glad we got the chance to talk… during the day is constantly go, go, go.

Oh, we learned a much quicker bus route today… so instead of it taking an hour to get home it took 30 minutes.. it was beautiful. I got gelato at Old Bridge and decided I’m never eating gelato anywhere else… it’s too good. I’m pretty sure, or hoping, the man at the gelato shop recognizes us… I’m sure there will be a group picture with him soon ;) And we ended the day with Insanity… Katie C, Kara, and I moved all the furniture in our room and died for an hour. I haven’t done Insanity since junior year… and it was way more difficult than I remember. Gotta work off all this pasta, pizza, gelato, and wine somehow.

And one final story… about my crazy wonderful mother. She has been in touch with Max (owner of where we are staying) since he helped her order me flowers for my birthday. Katie had to go pick up flowers today so I went with her and he says how my mother has been emailing him every day. We laughed about it and then he says, “Is she….. anxious?” HAHA it was so funny… he wasn’t quite sure what the word was in English.. and he kind of just looked at me. Mama, don’t ruin my chances with the cutest Italian man ever. Oh, then I get back to my room… and he calls me and asks me to come back to his office. I walk back… and he has me read the emails. My mom sends him an email at 5:30 in the morning (US time… so 11:30 here) asking if we were safe from the earthquake… and the beginning read “Caio Max.” She followed up that email with another one, “Oops. I mean Ciao Max!” Oh, mamasita. What am I going to do with you. Max and I got a big kick out of it. 

Can't believe tomorrow is already Wednesday. This weeks are flying!!


  1. I am laughing out loud and also probably wetting my pants! That is so funny that Max showed you my emails. Ok, enough of emailing Max. Well...when i hear there is an earthquake and you don't email me to tell me you are ok...then Max will get an email. Got it??? Ciao! (Did he show you my follow up email that said "crazy american!"

  2. mom, you are one anxious, crazy american.

    laura, you're making me want to move to italy to raise my little sausages :) i'm so impressed you're over there doing insanity...insane! miss you!! liam misses you too and says he can't wait for you to get home and babysit him ;)

  3. He only showed me those two! You wrote crazy american to him?!?!? Mamasita. I'm going to start teaching Liam Italian when I get home :)
