Monday, May 28, 2012

Just another manic Monday

Despite the rain and not being able to go outside, today went by pretty fast. But man oh man, was it an interesting one right off the bat. Not even an hour into school and one girl started itching her body like crazy. A woman was in our class observing and said we should probably take her to the nurse. We assumed bug bite or something common like that… well 15-20 minutes later the teacher brings the child back and says she needs to stay in the office because she has scarlet fever. That still exists??? I was slightly, or more than slightly, freaked out because I was around the girl the entire morning (all of an hour… but still.) The saddest part is that this little girl’s mother has cancer and is extremely sick. Now she has to be quarantined and can’t be around her mom. So prayers please for this little girl and her family. But later in the day the nurse comes in and brings school health notices… it says a 2nd grader has had scarlet fever.. and listed precautions to take/symptoms to look for. Our teacher called the nurse and asked who the student is in 2nd grade who had it… it ended up being an older sibling of a boy in our class. They believe somehow he carried it and gave it to the girl. The boy had the nastiest cough all week last week and was out two days. It would have been nice for the mom to inform us what was going on dontcha think? I was a little paranoid the rest of the day… but no worrying while in Italy.

The kids were tiring today… having play time inside really makes them rowdy. Four year olds need their outside play time to run, hop, skip, and jump like wild animals. I was actually mean, or I like to use the word stern, with some of them today to get them to listen to me. It worked. I guess I can’t always be the nice teacher that gets taken advantage of/run all over by her students. One little boy, the class trouble maker, was in the “exile chair” more than he was participating in activities today… yup, one of those kind of days.

After a long school day Kara, Katie C., Lauren, and I did insanity. We had to move our entire apartment to fit the four of us… but we made it work. During the middle, Max came to our door… and asked if we just came back from a run. He saw we were actually in the middle of a workout and started laughing at us.

We ended the day with a trip to the market... which has become our Monday routine. 

I’ve officially given up hope that I’ll have clean feet during this trip. And also, since the cappuccinos are so, so strong.. I’ve been having to add sugar to it.. not really sure what kind of sugar I’m adding since I can’t read Italian. But my face has been breaking out and I look like a freaking pizza… so today it struck me what my professor from my food class told us last semester. She used Splenda every day, and finally noticed her face would break out along her cheek bones… she researched and learned Splenda causes the blockage of a hormone that causes your face to break out. Well, I’ve most likely been using Italian Splenda (if such thing exists) and my face hasn’t liked it one bit. It also could have been the fishy Venice water… but I’ll give up the sugar and see what happens.

Another Monday down… can’t believe there is only one left! 

1 comment:

  1. i know you have one monday to go and we can't wait to see you!!!
