Sunday, May 27, 2012

Can't get better than this

Our last day in Venice was spent exploring, shopping, and seeing the prettiest view of a city I’ve ever seen. We went to the Bell Tower, in Saint Mark’s square, and got to look out across the entire city of Venice. Pictures don’t do it justice. It was 8 euros to climb to the top and well worth it.

Kate and I decided to have some best friend time after a long day of shopping and went to sit by the water before it was time to head back. It was us and about five couples sitting on this dock. Well, the biggest seagull I’ve ever seen in my entire life flew straight at us... we screamed, made a scene, and the seagull sat right above us on a pole. Oh, but it gets better. All of a sudden the seagull shakes its back end feathers and we get some nice bird pee straight to the face. I haven’t laughed that hard in awhile. We had all of the couples laughing at us.

On our way back… I kept thinking how getting on a plane is so different from a train. Why is there no security for a train? Can’t someone just as easily blow up a train? I kept looking at every single person and getting freaked out… so then I decided just to fall asleep and was passed out the entire ride home. Unfortunately we were right next to a door.. which every time it opened made the worst noise ever, worse than fingernails on a chalkboard. We wanted to put a “do not enter” sign on the door… or stand up and announce no one was allowed to pass through the door. Lori also suggested tripping someone and having them fly through the glass so the door wouldn’t have to open for people to get through… hah yes, it was this bad. Lori finally decided to stick her flip flop in the door… which eventually broke the door and it no longer closed. Success.

Oh, a funny story… so continuing with my poop pant story… I borrowed a tide to go pen… managed to get the poop out… soaked the pants in soap and water… and hung them on a wood chair to dry over night. I woke up this morning, picked up the pants, and saw this. I think it’s safe to say white pants and I don’t mix. I think I’m going to just throw them in the trash L

One thing I’m excited for in the states: free water. One thing I will NOT miss about Italy: the smoke. Everyone smokes. My lungs are taking a beating.

It was weird not seeing cars for the couple of days… but Venice was absolutely the prettiest and most romantic place I’ve ever been. 


  1. did you really throw those pants away??? too funny

  2. yes!!! :( so sad because i spent so long looking for white pants.
