Sunday, May 27, 2012

The back of your pants is ridiculous

Despite sitting in poop, spilling on my new longchamp (good thing I didn’t buy the white purse), and someone losing their shoe in the water… today was the second best day of the entire trip. Stunningly beautiful is the perfect way to describe it.

So I woke up at 7:30 when MK woke up to go to the museum… my body clock is freaking bizarre and I can’t sleep in. We only get internet on the first floor… and since we’re on the third.. I brought my computer down and finished my blog. Jo-ell, Katie C, Kaitlyn, and I got some breakfast (had to take advantage of the free breakfast) and then 11 of us started our adventure. We left the hotel at 10:15… walked to Saint Marco square and hailed a ferry boat to Murano. It was 18 euro (for 12 hours) but decided it would be worth it. I wasn’t expecting it to be that much… but when in Venice, right? We all got on the boat… well, what we thought was the boat and ended up in the “waiting room.” This man told us we weren’t on the boat and had to find the right number to get to Murano. We almost got on the boat to the airport. Ciao bellas. Stare at the horizon. Stare at the horizon. I was getting so boat sick. If anyone from my family is reading this… I was reliving the one boating adventure at the beach. Yuck. We finally arrived in Murano… and went straight for a glass blowing factory. It was remarkable. We felt the silicone sand they use, saw one man make a vase and horse (in about 1 minute… it was crazy), and saw the ONE thing I was set on buying brake right in front of my eyes. Yup, since my mom is obsessed with candles… I knew my one glass purchase would be a candle holder. Okay, so I go to purchase it and the woman begins to take off the price sticker and the glass goes flying over the counter and shatters everywhere. Everyone starts shouting in Italian… I started sweating. Then I saw a wine cork I really wanted to buy my dad, but I got to thinking and decided when they open bottles.. they either drink it or don’t take the time to put a cute wine cork in. Sorry Pops. I took some pictures. I was also going to buy a glass cheese slicer for my mama and pops but somehow decided against it. Women are SO easy to shop for here… John, Will, and Pops… I apologize before I even get home for the lack of purchases for you all.

the waiting room

Katie C. blowing glass!


After the glass place, we roamed Murano for quite some time… lost a couple people… had some wine boxes (juice boxes… but with wine… for 1 euro!!!) and had the time of our lives. We were the happiest humans. Katie C. and I bought SO much fruit before leaving for Murano so we had fruit and wine for lunch. We all walked in one shop… I saw a sailboat picture made out of glass and I wanted it so, so bad. Oh, 150 euros??? That’s not too bad is it. HA… I wanted it for Liam’s room. Katie C. started to pick it up and I looked at her, and said, “be careful with it!!” this Italian man started laughing at me… and said, “I’m laughing for you.” No good looking man, you’re laughing AT me. After that store we lost Lori, Lauren, and Katie C. The rest of our group looked around the island for quite awhile… and finally decided they abandoned us… well… we found them right before we were about to leave for Burano. We all shared multiple bellinis (in huge wine bottles.. yummmmm!) and off to Burano (famous for lace!) we went. While we were standing in line there was the cutest light house looking thing, I wanted a picture… so kaitlyn and I ran to it… after the picture, I stood up, felt a wet spot… and sat in bird poop. My luck. In my white pants.. of course. Ugh… never buying anything white again. I people watched hardcore on the boat ride to Burano. Seriously, so many couples… everywhere. Everyone is so freaking touchy feeling. It kind of freaks me out… but it’s also kind of cute. Burano was BEAUTIFUL!!!! Such a perfect little island. I didn’t buy anything but it was SO worth going. On the ride from Burano to Venice, it was about an hour boat ride. There was the cutest baby on the bus (not cuter than my nephew) that made me miss Liam so, so much. It’s weird the things I miss here. If I were at school, I wouldn’t be seeing the same things… but wouldn’t really miss them either.

the before poop picture

poop pants
So for the rest of the day I walked around with poop pants… awesome. I decided I wanted to come back to the hotel, shower, and look like a normal human. Katie S and I came back to go to dinner with the other group. The restaurant was called Antira Trattoria… the most romantic restaurant I’ve ever been to. Kyle, Mariel, Logan, Kara, Kelly and I sat at one table, shared two bottles of wine, had complimentary champagne, and had a wonderful dinner. I had gnocchi with lobster and then the best tiramisu of my life. Mariel and I shared it… and decided we will never be able to order one again because it will never be as good. After dinner, the group went to this outside bar under our hotel. It was such a fun night... until this one Italian man (even though extremely good looking) asked me if my boobs were real. Really? Thanks for basically telling me I’m eating too much gelato. Time to cut back.

Eight of us decided to go sit by the water and get to know each other on a “deeper level.” MK and I immediately looked at each other and somehow knew what each other were thinking… we wanted to leave and HATE that game. One of my goals for myself on this trip was to open up to people, not have that guard up that I always have, and let people in. I’ve succeeded a little bit… I told MK about Adam and she gave the sweetest and perfect response ever. But then when I was in the hot seat… I couldn’t tell the rest of the group… it’s something so personal that has really shaped me into who I am today… and sometimes people’s reactions makes it more awkward/worse than it actually is. We decided to come back when it started raining on us… MK and I went up to our room, changed into comfy PJs and called it a night. Mariel and Kate came back after us and let me just say… my abs hurt this morning from laughing… they were the funniest humans ever.
Second best day of the trip.

1 comment:

  1. well...i am just getting caught up on your blog. Love the poop pants. Can't believe the Italian guy asked you that question. Dad is flying over there tonight. He has three good punches left!!! love you. mom
