Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ciao Ciao Ciao Ciao Ciao

…. For some odd reason Italians end their phone conversations with “bye bye bye bye bye.” We would look like crazy Americans if we did that.

I am HOOKED on pistachio yogurt. Like a “I want to wake up at 6:45 and go straight to the fridge” type of hooked. Could be dangerous when I will no longer be able to get it back in Virginia. Sunshine and the hot Vatican guard made for one great morning which led to one great day. The Pope comes out every Wednesday, so we had to walk around the Vatican, instead of going right in front, and people were already lined up at 7:30 as we were passing through. I should take a picture of where I walk every morning... I think we take advantage of it now.

Some school stories:
  • I was arranging a alphabet scavenger hunt in the hall ways and this man comes up to me and says something in Italian. I answer, “Excuse me?” And he repeats in English. He was looking for my classroom and delivered something from Kuwait Embassy in Rome (or something of that sort.) One of my students is from Kuwait, and I asked my teacher if that was her father. She chuckled and said, “no it was a driver from the embassy.” Oh, excuse me. This driver was delivering birthday invitations to the class. Why couldn’t the child just bring them in like a normal child? These kids live crazy insane lives… it’s ridiculous.
  • The kids had P.E. today and it was out of control. The teacher decided to do “circuit training,” which is just an obstacle course, and at one part the children had to do a somersault. I really thought someone was going to snap their neck. Here are a couple pictures of my crazy chillins… and the PE building… which is just one room in the middle of buildings (we have to go outside to get to PE.

  • Alessandro was coloring a picture and the other kids started laughing. The teacher explained how it’s not nice to make fun of him and he can’t help it. He came up to me and showed me his picture (his ocean was colored purple.) I asked the teacher if he is colorblind and she said yes. They just figured it out this year. My teacher told me Ale said, “there’s something wrong with my brain” in the beginning of the year. Break my heart. Seriously, this kid is adorable and I better have kids just like him. (Sorry my entire blog is basically about him….. maybe it’s a little weird.)

  • At the gardens today, one little girl, Malbi, ran up to us and said “ouch ouch ouch!!! LOOK!” And she had ants all over her body. Nastiest thing ever. We made it into a game, or else I think we all would have been screaming/crying/yelling. And then after that one boy, Fede, came up to me and said, “AH miss heitz you have a bug in your hair! Don’t freak out!” HAHA I yelled (of course) and said FEDE GET IT OUT OF MY HAIR! And he goes “MISS HEITZ I CAN’T TOUCH IT!” We were just yelling back and forth… I went up to Dana and she said there was no spider in my hair. It was a fly. Thanks Fede.

  • My class is taking a field trip to the fire station on Friday. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I’ll be in Venice and won’t be going with them. My teachers were so bummed because they wanted an extra pair of hands. The firefighters uninvited the parents because the children don’t listen when parents are around. I thought that was interesting.
My silly sausages

I’m turning more into my mother every day. I thought I lost my sunglasses today… so when we went out shopping I had to get sunglasses (luckily they were only 5 euros.) Before leaving, I emptied EVERYTHING in my drawers, purses, bags, etc. Nothing. When I came home with new sunglasses, I found my old sunglasses in my hair bag. Sunglasses in my hair bag? Clearly losing my mind.

I bought a Longchamp bag today J It’s beautiful and I’ve wanted one for so long, so I caved. I’m excited for the purchase. Thank you Erin and Will J A big group of us just went to dinner and met up with some JMU boys who were back packing through Rome. It was a wonderful night and ended with some delicious gelato. 

Ciao Ciao Ciao Ciao Ciao! Until tomorrow! 


  1. well happy birthday :) lol, didn't even know what a longchamp bag was...just googled that one.

    i'm in LOVE with your silly sausage!! he is the cutest thing! and i'm sitting at my desk cracking up over you spastically telling some little italian kid to get a spider out of your hair. hahahaha

    miss you! love you tons! bye bye bye bye bye

  2. LOVE your pictures...keep them coming. love and miss you...more than a pickle!
