Sunday, May 20, 2012

Tweety bird walking around Pisa like a robot

Well, the day started off oddly. I get a message from a friend asking if we’re staying near the shootings in Rome. I tell a couple people who tell a few more people and it all comes back that my friend said shootings were in Rome. From what people say, the shootings were south of us. Then as we were getting ready this morning my roommate’s brother asks if we felt the earthquake. I love how these people back in the states know more about what is happening in Italy than us (so, so isolated from the world not having a phone or easy internet access.)

We wanted to take a day trip to Pisa and as we arrive at the train station people tell us the trains are delayed due to the earthquake. Luckily the train we were taking to Pisa wasn’t affected so we were off at 10:53. The train ride was a little over an hour (I slept the entire way… go figure.) After arriving we start walking, not really knowing which direction is right. On our way to the Leaning Tower of Pisa (which is not a very pretty place… but that could have been because of the downpour) two people were almost pickpocketed. For the rest of the day, I was holding onto my purse for dear life. We walked around the entire outskirts of Pisa (we followed the car route ha ha) but it was a nice scenic tour guided by Kyle. After finally arriving, someone said “woah, it leans so much more than I thought!” Despite the rain, it was such a fun day. So glad I can say I’ve seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa. My advice for the day: if you see it’s raining, don’t wear sandals outside. I felt like I was on a slip and slide the entire day. A group of us ate at a cute little restaurant and Katie and I shared caprese salad and a calzone. At that point, anything would have been delicious.
I think the most bizarre thing to me about Italy is that water and using the bathroom isn’t free. Really, you want me to pay one euro to pee? I almost peed my pants today trying to hold it until we got to a free bathroom.

We didn’t get back to Florence until 4ish and some of us decided to go look at all of the jewelry shops (Ponte de Veccio.) Well, let me just tell you I found my future engagement ring. Sorry to my future hubby, I know have high expectations. No one bought anything… I didn’t even see anything for less than 100 euros. We passed another market on our way back to the hotel and Katie really wanted to buy a leather coat. I went into the weekend telling myself I would not come home with a leather jacket. We were talking to one lady, trying jackets on, and I fell in love. I’m not the biggest fan of leather coats… I just don’t think they look good on me but I put this coat on (she said “trying on is for free!”) and it was like in say yes to the dress where you have a moment. It was stunningly beautiful. She said she’d give it to me for 250 cash… it was a little snug so she told me and Katie to follow her (we followed around this Italian woman into this alley and went in these giant doors, down these huge steps, into what looked like a leather coat factory.) She gave me a bigger size, Katie found the one she wanted, and we made a deal 2 coats for 400 euros. These coats were originally 540 euros. Beautiful leather. I felt like a motorcycle chick and loved it. I was bringing out my cash (100 euro short but two girls said they’d spot me) and I already started telling myself no. It’d be so awesome to have a leather jacket and say “it’s from Florence!” when someone asks. But I am not an impulse shopper, and have such regrets after spending massive amounts of money. So I listened to the sensible Laura and decided to save my money for a puppy (good decision right Mama and Pops?!?)
Pretty sure I spent more money on gelato, cannolis, and wine than I did on actual things… so when my pants no longer fit I guess that will be my cue to stop eating. With as much as we walk, I’m sure that won’t be an issue, my body is just not used to this many carbs. It is not a fan of me lately.

We all went back to the hotel, grabbed our luggage, and started the walk to the train station. I think I would stop and stare if I saw 25 Americans carrying at least one bag and rolling another big suitcase wearing the brightest colored rain jackets. I’m sure it was great entertainment for the Italians. We were supposed to catch a train at 8:15 which was delayed 15 minutes… then delayed another hour. We finally got back to our hotel at 11:50 (yup, we have to be up in 6 hours... going to be a fun day)

I really cannot believe it has only been 11 days. It is the greatest and most wonderful trip/experience of my life, but how people study abroad for an entire semester is beyond me. I’m so glad we were able to travel to Florence. Definitely coming back here and traveling to Chianti/Tuscany. 


  1. aww love the pic of you and the tower :)

    man, reading these posts makes me tired...they're definitely cramming in a ton in one month :) love you!!

  2. Okay...well...glad i don't have to pay to pee. I would wet my pants more than i already do! Also..i was a little worried reading the leather jacket story. Glad the ending was that the jacket is not coming back to the states. GOOD decision...but still no puppy. sorry. You can share MAVERICK. we love you.

  3. one more the pisa picture. so hard to believe you are across the Atlantic Ocean!

  4. Tell me about it sisa!! And mama, I know you would.

  5. haha i hated having to pay to pee too!!!!
