Thursday, May 10, 2012

The first day (what feels like two weeks)

5 pimples, almost 10 motorcycle accidents, and 1 penis later and we have arrived in Roma :) Yes, we were in the taxi, who let me just say Roberto (the taxi driver) was a crazy person and legit almost ran into the wall three times, almost hit pedestrians every time one was crossing the street, and would try to run over the smart cars and motorcycles. I got to Residence San Pietro with quite the headache and stomach ache, but at least I got there. The overnight flight was better than I thought but made my body all caddywhompus (june bug ;)). Oh and also, when we were arriving in Rome we look to our right and a man was pulled over on the side of the road, with his vespa, and was taking a pee. Dr. Purcell looks at us while we're laughing and he says, "We're not in Harrisonburg anymore." Clearly not.

But our apartment couldn't be more perfect. Somehow the four of us managed to get ready in one hour tonight... go us. Haven't shared a bathroom since my sisa and I had to share way back in the day so it's quite the adjustment.

The layover in Switzerland was l o n g but good. Everyone is super friendly and it seems like the best place on earth to live. We decided if teaching in the US doesn't quite go as planned, Switzerland is my next move. I was "randomly checked" and had to get patted down by this woman... seriously touched all freaking over. If it were a man doing that, it would have been super awkward, but the Swiss men were pretty darn cute ;) Oh, and after that, they said something in my carry on bag looked suspicious... don't try bringing yogurt from the plane into the airport... but they let me bring it anyway. In the four hours we were there, we got pretty good at telling European women apart from non European women... the shoes were the dead give away. They wear such fancy things... Didn't see one person not wearing the tallest heels or wedges. Then you had me, Kate, and, Kelly looking like straight up bums.

After arriving and unpacking, all 20 of us met up with Dr. Schultz and Purcell and then took the route 64 bus (known as the pick pocket express... and this one man couldn't have been standing any closer to me...) to dinner and ate at Specialita Liguri... we all sat outside which was so adorable.. and celebrated Mariel's birthday. I already realize how much we take for granted free water!!!

And we ended the night with some seriously awesome gelato...


  1. oh wow....what a great first day blog. I can't wait to read it every day. I love you and miss you so much! have a great time.

  2. ahhhh so excited for you :) can't wait to see pics of your apartment!!! I feel like I was just there! So glad you had a great first day - oh my gosh that gelato looks amazing :) love you!! write everyday!!!
