Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Playing hookey for Pope Benedict

Almost everyone went to Scholars (an Irish pub) last night for karaoke. It was so, so much fun and we rocked out all night long. Katie C., Katie S, Kate, Dana, and I sang “Girls Just Want to Have Fun.” Steve and Kyle joined the party… but only for a little awhile… long enough for me to sign them up to sign “Why do you build me up buttercup?” but then they left L As I was waiting in the bathroom (which it was me and four other men for a good chunk of time… that is still so, so odd to me) another girl came in… this one guy started talking to us and I asked where she was from and she said Virginia. Turns out she’s from Loudoun County too and we knew some of the same people. Such a small world. Kara, Katie S, Kelly and I ended up walking home because we didn’t know what bus to take… and my sandals didn’t make the journey. They got caught in cobblestone and broke… one more thing I don’t have to put in my suitcase. Guess I will have to use my DSW card I got for Christmas when I get home. (Oh, on the walk to Scholars we passed a group of guys wearing Georgia Tech shirts. I said Georgia Tech… I guess really loud because the guys started cheering and then I said “oh no, GO DAWGS!!!” and they boooo’ed me.)

Today we didn’t go to school, instead we saw the Pope! When he was riding around in his popemobile in the beginning he was about 10 feet from us… it was pretty awesome. Unfortunately JMU didn’t get a shout out… or maybe we did in one of the 50 other languages that was spoken. When my teacher told me I would roast, I didn’t think she was actually serious. I have never been that hot… and it was all I could concentrate on. Katie C. and I left a little early… or else I think I would have seriously fainted. Oh,  we got there around 10 and the Pope came out at 10:30… but during that 30 minutes the woman right in front of me passed out and had to be taken away. Everyone was shouting in Italian and jumping around like crazy people. It was so scary. We also left because we didn’t want to make a scene like that. But, at least I can say I saw the pope J

We went to an awesome panini shop for lunch and I got the best salad ever. Then we walked around Rome, which is so extremely crowded during the day… since we’re always at Marymount during the day we’ve never experienced it.. and came back to take a nap. Everything hit me today and when I took a nap at 3 I could have easily passed out for the night. At 5 we went for appertivos.. I ordered a pina colada and only took one sip. I just want a big glass of ice cold water.

Max called and asked me to come to his office. I had just hopped out of the shower, my hair was soaking wet, and I was already in my PJs. I walk in his office and he says, “Oh, I’m sorry. Were you lying down?” I have a feeling it’s probably not acceptable to go out of the house looking like that in Italy. Oh well. I had two cards from my lovely parents. My birthday card finally came… and another card saying “sorry you didn’t get your birthday card.” Haha. Max said he hasn’t talked to my mom in awhile and that he actually misses her. Gosh lady, people you don’t even know already like you. Who are you, Gandhi? We talked for awhile, he’s such an interesting character and his English cracks me up.

And last thing.. I had two gelatos today… I’m going to need a personal trainer when I get home. John?

1 comment:

  1. stop making me cry!! i'm glad you got your cards. Don't you love those pics of John and Liam? I will have to email Max! night
