Saturday, June 9, 2012

And a month is gone just like that

I’ve been in Rome this morning, Canada this afternoon, and now in my comfy bed at home. It feels like we were just traveling to Rome, but then it also feels like we were gone for so incredibly long. We crammed so much into four short weeks that I could easily sleep for three straight days when I get back home.

Our day started with saying good bye to everyone who is leaving tomorrow (Sunday.) I started tearing up when I had to say bye to my roommates… we all became so close that not living with them now is going to seem so strange. Going back home and not having people to always be doing things with will be a big change… but, like I was telling Kyle last night, I am the kind of person who gets my energy from being alone. After a long day with four year old kids, I need my alone time to regain my energy. Being surrounded by people for four weeks was something I’m not used to. I think I’m an introverted extrovert… haha. So after saying goodbye, Kate, Kelly, and I caught our ride to the airport. It was only a 30 minute drive… and not nearly as scary as the one coming over. We planned to meet Kyle, but didn’t make an exact meeting spot… we got to the airport, decided to check in first, and then we looked for him and couldn’t find him. We decided we’d just go to security and he’d figure out we did it on our own. On our way to security we run smack into him. (He has worn plaid shirts this entire trip so every man wearing a plaid shirt we’d think “Tourgyle!!!” And it wouldn’t be him.) We said goodbye and thanked him for such a wonderful experience and off we went.

This has been the strangest day going back in time… I don’t really know what/how my body is feeling. I’ve had so much to eat… woke up in Rome and had breakfast, had lunch before our flight in the airport, got lunch on the plane, had a snack, had some sort of dinner thing, had another snack, then had a muffin, got STARBUCKS (oh, how I missed it).

The flight was pretty painless… it went by very quickly. I was in the front of my section and had SO much leg room and no one next to me, except this asian man would randomly come and sit next to me for hours at a time… odd. My seat was an emergency exit… and every time I would fall asleep I would have nightmares about having to pull the emergency handle. Needless to say I didn’t sleep much. Our plane took off at 1:40 (Rome time) and it was 4,095 miles to Canada. Oh, and my seat wouldn’t recline… so I had to sit straight up for 9 hours… not so fun. The flight from Canada to Dulles was so quick… only about an hour and it was the smallest plane ever.

Rome was a wonderful city to live in… and made me really contemplate teaching abroad. I enjoyed it so incredibly much. I only wish I were able to see an upper elementary classroom… but I will miss my little sausages immensely.

Top moments from the trip:
- Day in Tuscany- touring the castle, making pasta, drinking/buying wine!
-          - Venice!!! Burano, Murano, gondola ride
-          - Saturday in Elba- rock climbing, sitting at the bar on the beach
-          - Getting gelato from Old Bridge
-          - Celebrating my 22nd in rome- Campo de Fiore, Drunken Ship
-         -  Group dinners- eating at Max’s friends’ restaurant and then going to the Spanish Steps
-          - Pasta carbonara nights
-         -  Scholars- karaoke night!!!

So many more… but these were my favorites.. and of course, getting to know and love all of my kids.

Thank you everyone who followed my Italian journey… wish I could say I fell in love with a beautiful Italian man to spice things up… maybe next time ;) 

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