Monday, June 4, 2012

No shoes, no swimsuits, no problem

Saturday: Let’s just say Max is a manatee and we are all gazelles. This will only be funny to my family…. but I’m sure the rest of you can figure it out. All of us girls wanted to be on the beach as soon as we were done with breakfast, but since Max, Kyle, and Steve were the drivers we had to wait around for Max. He didn’t understand why we wanted to be on the beach so early, especially when it was cloudy. Clearly he doesn’t get American girls. We drove there with Steve and almost got lost a couple of times because Max drives so darn fast. The beach was so beautiful… but since it still wasn’t sunny out, five of us decide to go exploring. We were basically straight up rock climbing for well over an hour. It was awesome and we all had a great time. We met Tarzan. This man went speeding passed us, we were slow pokes compared to him. I pulled a mom and peed in what we thought was the Mediterranean Sea, but it was actually the Tyrrhenian Sea (Ty RA NE AN). Not many people are able to say that. After our long adventure, we decided to go get a drink at the bar. One drink turned into about 6 more… and let’s just say we had SUCH a fun day and so did the bartenders. We went swimming in the sea, got on a boat that had a slide, met the cutest little baby (who was not wearing any sort of swimsuit bottoms or diaper.. yup, baby penis/butt just hanging out) and all made quite the scene. Expected, right? Massimiliano drove a group of us home (oh, he left the beach because he didn’t want to just sit there all day…. Boring.) I’m sure we annoyed him with our loud singing and yelling in the car, but oh well, he loves us. When we got back to the hotel… Max brought me and Jo-ell (I think he likes the blondes) a shot… and it was DISGUSTING. The group of us who came home early went to the pool for an hour and passed out. After showering and getting ready we all headed to Max’s parents restaurants for appertivos. You know when you’ve been drinking all day and continuing drinking makes you want to throw up or go to sleep… that’s how I felt.. but I pushed through and the view/restaurant was BEAUTIFUL. Max’s dad was the architect. We went straight to the hotel for dinner (at 9 oclock… SO LATE!) and had a delicious dinner. Max’s friend sat with us at dinner… and went around telling us what movie stars we look like… he gave me Chelsea Clinton. Really?? “A beautiful Chelsea Clinton.” But still… not a compliment. He redeemed himself with Gwenyth Paltro. Staying out all day, being in the sun, and simply getting no sleep is exhausting. The majority of us are extremely low key and aren’t into the party scene… but since I didn’t go out the first night in Elba I told myself no matter how tired I was I was going to experience the nightlife. Well, turns out everyone simply had enough… enough of each other, enough alcohol and the night went downhill fast. I think the most difficult thing to adjust to about studying abroad is being around people 24/7… you can’t get away. You have a roommate (who I am SO lucky because we are all amazing and haven’t had one single problem), you’re in school with everyone, you do things with everyone after school, and our one rule is “you can never travel alone.” Eventually, the little things start to bother people and people will naturally need their space. Elba was a big change for us because we are used to public transportation and being able to go where we please, that having three vans that joined us all together was an adjustment I don’t think any of us made well. One thing I have really learned on this trip is to let the little things go. I’ve always been pretty good with this… but this trip has made me an expert.

our rock climb

sista picture

Sunday was extremely low key.. I think we were all in need of our own space, a hug from our Moms, and peace and quiet. We laid by the pool from 9:30 until 12:30ish in our sweatshirts and towels. When the sun was out it was perfect, but when it went away and the breeze came it was so chilly. Unfortunately, we didn’t get as tan as we were all expecting. We had lunch at 1 and took off at 2. As we were getting ready to go, the head chef (who spoke no English) brings a shot to me and says “from Massimiliano.” He is standing in the background cracking up because I thought it was SO nasty the day before. Strange one he is. Mom, imagine the shot you took at the beach but 50 times worse. Gross, right? I declined, of course, and I’m sure I acted like a snobby, rude American. The trip back was pretty painless and we made it home by 9:30 PM… the penis baby from the beach was on the ferry… AND he waved to us J

As I was sitting by the pool in Elba on Sunday waiting to go home I made a list of things I am in dire need of/can’t wait for when I return to Virginia:
1.       FAMILY time and much of it- seeing my nephew walk!!!
2.       My best friends- celebrating birthdays, graduations, everything else (wineries!!)
3.       Manicure/pedicure
4.       Taking a shower in my bathroom/being able to straighten my hair
5.       Home cooked meals
6.       TREADMILL

Elba was such a cool island.. it had the best of both worlds: mountains and beach. I have never ever seen more windy roads than I did on this trip. AND these crazy Elba people would bike up the side of the mountains. They have to be the most in shape people I’ve ever seen. I really wish we had more time to experience the island. Guess I’ll just have to come back J

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