Tuesday, March 13, 2012


57 days until my official adventure begins. I absolutely cannot wait, but at the same time I want these last couple months to slow down. 

It seems like just yesterday I was at the Study Abroad Fair, September 27, hoping there was some slight chance I'd be able to go on this trip. Knowing it was an opportunity of a lifetime made it hard to turn down (no matter how much stress it would bring- clearly I wasn't thinking about money too much when I decided to apply.) After talking with my sister and mom, I realized I've been having the wrong mindset about the entire trip. They gave me a new way to look at this adventure and I've decided to ignore (at least try to) the whole money aspect. It'll all work out. A trip to Italy isn't something worth stressing about.


October 18: turned in the study abroad application
November 21: received an email saying I was accepted to study abroad in Italy!!
February 19: first orientation meeting- was told we will be visiting Elba, Florence, and Venice as our weekend trips!!
March 4: booked my flight!!! I will be flying over and back with Kate and Kelly. We stop in Switzerland on the way there and Canada on the way back. Needless to say, I'll be a well traveled woman when I return to the United States :)

Hopefully I'll have pictures similar to these in just a couple of months...

Elba, Italy

Venice, Italy 
Venice, Italy
Florence, Italy

And my future home for a month....

Trevi fountain 

A huge thank you to my wonderful sisa for the sweet logo :)

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